Within the "Research Infrastructure and Information Systems" department (IRSI)
For the routine operation of the systems for administering scientific data (maintenance of general catalogues, archiving, quality control and dissemination of data), SISMER collaborates closely with two of the unit's other services:
- The "IT and Communication Resources" service (RIC) is in charge of maintaining, in operational condition, the telecommunication networks, IT infrastructure and technical services (intensive calculation and platform for bioinformatic processing, email, printing, telephony, archiving, backups, storage, web servers and databases, architecture and data security, management of the IT installed base, IT support to users, etc.)
- The "Information Systems Engineering (ISI)" service designs, develops and upgrades data management systems (software, databases, online distribution portals, etc.). It has great expertise in software development, databases and technical standardisation. The ISI service and SISMER work closely together on a daily basis: the first acting as the project manager (implementing a project) and the second acting as project owner (who defines the requirements of a project) for scientific data management systems.
These services, which are tailored towards specific groups of professionals (systems and networks engineers and technicians for RIC, software development technicians and engineers for ISI), are highly complementary.
Within Ifremer
Outside the Information Systems and Research Infrastructure to which it belongs, the SISMER service works with the various teams at Ifremer who make very significant contributions to the management of scientific data:
- The "Vessels and On-board Systems" unit (NSE) particularly for the design, technical monitoring, quality control and processing of data from on-board scientific equipment. The unit also acts as project manager for the development of on-board software on vessels and submarine vehicles, intended for the scientific community and SISMER.
- The "Fisheries Science and Technologies" unit (STH) for the management of fisheries data.
- The "Coastal Environment Dynamics" unit (DYNECO) for managing geographic data and controlling networks monitoring the coastal zone.
- The "Deep Ecosystems Study" unit (EEP) for biology data.
- The "Marine Geosciences" unit (GM), for managing geoscience data and organising the dedicated data banking system in partnership with SISMER.
- The Physics and Spatial Oceanographic Laboratory (LOPS) for the management of physics and satellite data.