In order to promote the harmonisation of datasets managed by Ifremer and by its French, European and international partners, Ifremer provides various software for administering and processing marine environmental data. This provision is free, under an Open Access licence, without guarantee, without support nor access to the source code, except in the case of specific agreement.
The following are available:
- Nemo: Format conversion software for vertical profiles and time series (developed as part of the European SeaDataNet project).

- Mikado: software for generating metadata in accordance with the ISO 19115 family of standards.
- SCOOP: software for the quality control of data concerning the water column (vertical profiles, time series), adopting the coherence test specifications of large international programmes, such as IODE , Argo, Gosud, GTSPP, etc. and qualifying the data using quality indicators. More information on quality control.

- 3D Viewer: software for 3D viewing of digital elevation models.
- Globe: post-processing software for handling and displaying 3D oceanographic data.

- Casino+: Computerised scientific logbook installed on the Thalassa, the Atalante and the Pourquoi pas ?

- Sealog: Software for post-processing metadata and data from cruises, dives and moorings.
- Cascade: Software for processing ADCP hull data.
- Octopus: Format conversion software.
- Archimede: Software for managing operations and samples taken during cruises (under development).
- Furthermore, Ifremer has developed expertise in the use of certain software that is freely distributed and applicable to the marine domain:
- Diva (Data Interpoler Variational Analysis): Software for the spatial interpolation of data (analysis).
- GeoNetwork: Software for managing catalogues of metadata,
- Ocean data View: Control and visualisation software for the water column, developed by the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI), notably as part of the SeaDataNet project,