The overarching objective of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) (2000/60/CE) dated 23 October 2000 is to achieve good status of the various environments throughout European territory, including estuary and coastal environments by 2015.
Its implementation in France resulted, for the management of data, in the adoption of a National Scheme for Data on Water, and the establishment of a Water Information System (SIE). The Water Information System aims to collect, retain and distribute data and indicators on water, aquatic environments, how they are used and the public services covering water distribution and sewage. It concerns continental surface waters, coastal waters, transitional waters and underground waters and covers all departments of metropolitan and overseas France as well as Mayotte.

The Water Information System connects sets of reference data, data produced by observation and by other environmental systems and compiled data. It is implemented by the services of the State, by public establishments and associated organisations, including regional authorities; in accordance with the National Scheme for Data on Water. ONEMA, the National office for water and aquatic environments, is responsible for coordinating the Water Information System.
In this context, Ifremer is more particularly in charge of coastal and transition waters.
The datasets produced directly or compiled by the Water Information System are available online. They are freely accessible through services provided by websites (Envlit in the case of Ifremer, for coastal waters).