To obtain ISO 9001 certification, and to accurately define the specific framework of the management of marine data and the association IT technology (storage, back-up, calculation, networks and web, etc.), Ifremer establishes service level agreements (ITIL/ISO 20000) and implements tools to check that they are:
- realistic in relation to the resources available
- fulfilled over time (functioning correctly and available)
- suited to user needs.
The service level agreements are particularly useful fo data with strong availability constraints, for instance for ocean physics data distributed in real time to weather and ocean forecasting services.
In order to ensure quality of service, the following have been set up:
- User support desks, accessible 5 days a week by email. A SISMER desk ( is run on a rota by all the members of the SISMER service
- System status dashboards which are automatically updated and issue alerts in the event of any malfunction.