
Scale : European


Dates : 2015 - 2020


Our role : Collecting and processing Argo data.


Financiers : EU


Partnerships :

  • Euro-Argo ERIC
  • BSH
  • OGS
  • IPAN
  • BODC


Description :  A MOCCA contribution of 4M€ and an additional 20% (i.e. 1M€) from the ERIC and its partners, the goal of the project is to progress towards the Euro-Argo objectives in "Monitoring the Oceans" and the European effort under the international Argo programme through: Procurement of 150 T/S Argo floats (Core and Iridium) during 2015-2016, Arrangement for their deployment in 2016-2017, including at-sea monitoring, Collected data processing in real-time and delayed-mode, during the period 2015-2019. 

Will project continue ? This has given rise to the creation of a portal or other infrastructure? Yes : Euro-Argo 

Since May 2014 the Euro-Argo Research Infrastructure has become a European legal entity (ERIC Euro-Argo) whose members are the signatory countries. The aim of the ERIC Euro-Argo is to organise Europe's long-term contribution to the international programme. Argo is a very important in situ observation network for both operational oceanography applications and climate research. As such, Euro-Argo is an essential part of the insitu infrastructure needed for the COPERNICUS Marine Service. However, without the help of the European Commission, the ERIC Euro-Argo partners alone cannot maintain ¼ of the global network in operation. This is why the European Commission, via DG-MARE, has asked ERIC Euro-Argo to set up the MOCCA (Monitoring the Ocean Climate Change with Argo) project, which aims to purchase, deploy and process 150 new T&S floats in real time and off-line in 2016-2017.