Échelle du projet : European
Dates : February 2024 – January 2029
Notre rôle : The project leader at Ifremer is Romaric Verney from ODE; the SISMER has two roles in this project, acting as a link with the Copernicus marine service and contributing to the management of existing coastal data and that which will result from new measurements.
Financeurs : European Union, this is an Horizon Europe project
Partenaires :
- Coordinator : Deltares ;
- Partners : Hereon, Ifremer, GeoEcoMar, Covartec,Univ. Stirling, MARIS, SMHI, CNR, HCMR, NORCE, Univ. Liège, TransEurope Marinas, +Atlantic, Seascape, PML,ETT, Brockmann Consult, CNRS, Finnish Env.. Institute
Lien vers le site :
Description : Recognizing the potential of the land-sea interface to enhance biodiversity, promote carbon sequestration, and strengthen climate resilience in coastal regions, the Horizon Europe project “LandSeaLot” aims to harness this potential by conducting thorough studies of the land-sea interface, where terrestrial and marine habitats meet. This will be achieved through integrating and enhancing existing coastal observation efforts -including in-situ, satellite, modelling and citizen science.