IMDIS 2024 conference: proceedings, presentations and posters available online
The 8th IMDIS conference was held from May 27 to 29 in Bergen, Norway. The conference was co-organized by IMR (Norway) and IFREMER (France) with the support of AISBL SeaDataNet, MARIS (Netherlands), MEDIN (UK), NOC (UK), INGV (Italy), IOC/IODE (Belgium) and the European projects BlueCloud2026 and Imagine.
The 3-day event brought together 190 experts (170 face-to-face and 20 online) from 28 countries and 3 continents.

The conference, divided in 4 sessions, gave each participant an overview of the latest developments in terms of:
- Products based on marine data
- Services and tools for marine data
- Technical developments for marine data and information management
- Marine data infrastructures for observation data
The 58 presentations and 91 posters presented at the event can be consulted online, along with abstracts and recordings.
IRSI's information systems and activities were represented through 4 oral presentations and 6 posters.
The conference proceedings, published in issue n°80 of the INGV journal MISCELLANEA, are available online and referenced in Archimer:
Simoncelli, S., Vernet, M., & Coatanoan, C. (2024). International Conference on Marine Data and Information Systems - Proceedings Volume. Miscellanea INGV, 80.